Saturday, May 28, 2005

Press: With Irreverence and an iPod, Recreating the Museum Tour - NYT

With Irreverence and an iPod, Recreating the Museum Tour - New York Times: "So far, the unofficial guides cover only a few of the museum's works -- by artists like Pollock, Cindy Sherman, Francis Bacon, Picasso, Max Beckmann and Marc Chagall, whose well-known 'I and the Village' comes in for a critical pummeling by Jason Rosenfeld, a Marymount professor of art history, who calls it 'the worst, most reductive kind of art' and blames Chagall for all the 'ugly menorahs' and tacky stained-glass windows in modern synagogues.

'It's the worst style that ever developed in the history of art,' he declares."


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