Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Email: Why women play 'head games' with men [VI]

I thought what you shared with me was very interesting because it goes completely against the grain of all that seems intelligent and reasonable in dating. You'd think that if men and women were just honest and sincere and treated each other with respect, the opposite would happen, when in point of fact, everyone seems to assume dishonesty and insincerity and dumb luck will rule the day, so they act in the manner of the lowest common denominator -- most men and women take the low road instead of the high road.

The author of Double Your Dating and the essay (ahem, promotional email) you shared with me recognizes that most women act on instinct, not intelligence, when it comes to dating. And his logic is right insofar as young, beautiful women are all but forced to play hard-to-get in order to weed out the determined skirtchasers from the opportunistic ones. But a determined skirtchaser does not make for a good relationship partner! The woman is throwing away her freedom to choose by letting any man who is merely persistent have her phone number. She would be much better served to consider a dating partner who means what he says, and is what he says he is. Yes, persistence and a sense of humor are important allies when a man hopes to catch a woman's interest; but any scheme that leaves out (or negates) honesty, sincerity and the truth is bound for disaster.


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