Press: Virtually Unprotected - NYT
Virtually Unprotected - New York Times: "Despite the warnings after 9/11 -- and again after the 2003 blackout -- disturbingly little has been done. The Government Accountability Office did a rigorous review of the Department of Homeland Security's progress on every aspect of computer security, and its findings are not reassuring. It found that the department has not yet developed assessments of the threat of a cyberattack or of how vulnerable major computer systems are to such an attack, nor has it created plans for recovering key Internet functions in case of an attack. The report also expressed concern that many of the department's senior cybersecurity officials have left in the past year. Representative Zoe Lofgren, the California Democrat who was among those who requested the G.A.O. report, said last week that it proved that 'a national plan to secure our cybernetworks is virtually nonexistent.'"
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