Saturday, July 09, 2005

Email: When men use women [JB]

A big part of what ticks me off about other men is their regular cheapening and using of women. Any woman I meet (it seems) is going to have been hurt or used by another man 2-3 or more times before we ever connect and have a decent, kind, caring, devoted relationship. This is why I want to minister to singles and divorced people about how to recognize the shape of love and to build better, authentic relationships. Macho men are slowly poisoning our society and we have to turn the tide, or it won't matter how much we preach the Lord. Having a stable father and husband image is essential to society.

I have also survived with no (or recently very little) emotional support or affirmation from anyone; faith in me and perseverance have been all I've had to keep from melting into a puddle of nothing all my life.


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