Email: Two sides to everything [SD]
All I ask is that you hear my words in plain English... "all other" means "not you"... I don't think a Logic 101 class is required for that one...
"Thinking out of the box" means taking a fresh view to problem-solving. (They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while each time expecting the outcome to be different.) For example, when leaving a facility or event, I never just follow the crowd; I always look at the traffic flow and choose the least-traveled path, or if one is not apparent, I take the most counter-intuitive one. It's all part of what I call, "Wake up and see what is really going on around you." Making assumptions and running on autopilot are mental economies at best -- we can't be "on point" all the time -- but sheer dronishness at worst.
God has the final answer on what is right and wrong, but he has given us a clue as to such things. How else do we know that murder is wrong, lying is worse than circumspect, cheating is vile, and harming another should never be allowed? This is what I mean by debating generalities: Without specific examples, the discussion just goes back and forth pointlessly. You no doubt wish to emphasize that only God can judge (at least ultimately); I am saying that humans (in part as God's delegates) make judgments every day. We are talking about the same thing, but the coin has two different sides; or the same event, just the before and after scenarios. I think we are in agreement. Enough said, please.
You have it exactly right. People hurt others because they are self-centered and insecure; unaware of and afraid of others.
I absolutely agree that any two persons should learn more about each other in order to understand each other better.
(For many paragraphs, I believe this exchange has blundered into that basement of repetitiveness and yada-yada-yada where I no longer care to go. This is like saying "Water is wet." "Yes, it sure is wet." "I wonder why water is so wet?" "Perhaps it's wet because it's made of water." I am going to move on now. Think of what a normal, well-adjusted person would think, and would know without the need to discuss it, and that is where I stand. This is really all too silly for me to spend any more time on.)
I think that most single people do get lonely, and I'm sure it happens mostly at night. It may be why you can't sleep at times and it may be the same for me; but mostly for me, I think it's because I have too many exciting things that I want to do, and too much energy to slow myself down for such inefficiencies as sleep. I remedy this by telling myself that sleep is normal and necessary, and then surrendering my body to its needs. Collaboration with God's plan works best instead of a restlessness about it, I suspect.
I never mentioned waiting for the "perfect time" (and then never accomplishing a given task). I just said that being in the middle of doing one thing means I can't be doing another that requires me to be in a different place. Again, specifics... Why are we debating what amounts to my priorities when I am the only one who knows what I am specifically talking about?
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