Thursday, August 04, 2005

Websites: Why Houston is worth it

Houston: It's Worth It accepts people's submissions (now numbering 1,440) about what's so great about Houston. My favorite is #129:

"Houston is worth it because if you are here, you want to be here. The heat, the mosquitoes, the traffic - sure, they might bug you, but you have more important things to do than whine about the weather. You are in Houston because you have great things to accomplish. You want to be part of one of the most philanthropic communities in the world. You want to be in a town whose doctors are known, respected, and sought out by the entire world. You want art in the most unexpected places, and more of it in the expected ones. You want to be in a place where maybe, just maybe, you can celebrate the New Year in shorts and flip flops with a margarita in your hand while sitting under a palapa next to the pool. You crave contact with an incredibly diverse population. You thrive on challenges, and see them as opportunit[i]es to grow and improve. Sure, it is easy to go to a city with a beautiful bay and soaring bridge. You never have to explain your goals if you head for the big apple. Your soul is drawn to some new-age-old-hippie-town. In those places, you let the city speak for you. Houston doesn't speak for you - you speak for it. You make it better, stronger, healthier, wealthier, more beautiful, and more dynamic. Houston is worth it because your dreams, goals, and accomplishments are worth it. Houston is worth it because it will do everything it can to make those dreams and goals possible, and it will celebrate you for your accomplishments, no matter who you are and where you came from. Houston is worth it because it knows YOU are worth it."


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