Sunday, October 23, 2005

Websites: A history of hot dogs

"Hot Diggity Dog" by Shenanchie: "Eating the hot dog in a warmed bread bun with various condiments is credited to Charles Feltman of Feltman's Gardens in the Coney Island amusement park. He opened the first 'hot dog' stand in 1871, which were known as 'dachshunds' at the time, and sold 3,684 of the dogs wrapped in a milk bun his first year. Corn dogs were introduced in 1942 at the Texas State Fair by Texan native Neil Fletcher.

The actual term hot dog is attributed to sports cartoonist T.A. Dorgan. He was present at the Polo Grounds in New York during a 1901 baseball game and heard vendors yelling 'Get your dachshund dogs while they're red hot!' Dorgan sketched a cartoon depicting the scene, but was unsure how to spell 'dachshund.' Instead, he simply used the term 'hot dogs.' Later, Dorgan's 'sausage' cartoons maligned the inexpensive wieners sold at Coney Island, hinting they contained dog meat. The publicity was so ferocious in 1913 the Chamber of Commerce banned the use of the term hot dog from signs at Coney Island. The term first appeared on the pages of the Oxford English Dictionary in the year 1900."


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