Saturday, December 17, 2005

Email: The better part of valor [SD]

No one can understand any relationship they haven't lived through; any representation I might give (and I don't want to talk about anyone behind her back) can only suggest a skewed or simplistic notion as to how it really was. I live in the present and the future, not the past.

I am not guarded about relationships because I am gunshy, but because it's not important or your business. I am not going to "fall in love" again until I know my partner is the one for me to marry! (Men put making a correct choice ahead of emotions that would compromise that choice.) To repeat what I've said before: I feel free to discuss anything I deem appropriate to any conversation I have; I know you're sincere; and I don't feel I need comforting there-there pats on the back. I don't believe I'm being reluctant or wounded, simply wise and discreet.


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