Saturday, March 11, 2006

Email: Intentional Living [AS]

It is true that people have different experiences, so different things are foreign or hard to grasp for them. [It takes] being a good listener without saying "You have no idea what real XYZ is" (respecting the other person's state in life).

I hate to draw the line with people, but there comes a time when you have to stop cutting them slack giving them the benefit of the doubt and draw a firm conclusion -- esp. with employers who use you to their benefit without fair (or any) remuneration. That's just being a user and a taker.

I am convinced that single people universally have lists of qualities they want in a spouse, and that more often than not they either insist on qualities that are inconsequential (external not internal) or ignore the list because they feel lonely or desperate. I'd like to give seminars called Intentional Living and Intentional Dating, but I doubt most people are able or willing to do what it takes to make intentional choices and keep them, esp. where sex is ultimately involved. (I think those who are able, don't need the seminar.)


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