Monday, May 29, 2006

Books: Directions for Cookery (1840)

Feeding America: "To examine the recipes is to open a window into the 19th-century larder: Apees, Beef-Steak Pudding, Moravian Sugar Cakes, Sassafras Beer, Rye and Indian Bread, Cat-Fish Soup, Chestnut Pudding, Fricasseed Chickens, Clam Soup, Chilli Vinegar, Green Corn Pudding, Cranberry Sauce, Election Cake, Federal Cakes, Flannel Cakes, Fox Grape Shrub, Hominy, Huckleberry Cake, Indian Pudding, Johnny Cake, Lobster Catchup, Molasses Candy, New York Cookies, Ochra Soup, Oyster Pie, Pepper Pot, Pine-apple Ice Cream, Pork and Beans, Potato Snow, Pumpkin Chips, Cocoa-Nut Pudding, Tomato Catchup, White Gingerbread. The titles alone stimulate the appetite!"


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