Email: Men are scum [EH]
So the man was scum! It's sad how I find it best to advise women to assume men are scum until proven (not just persuaded) otherwise, but I hate being part of the population that I am saying should be so assumed.
Rather than rush (as only desperate persons do), [it's best to] find the right time -- [for those who] want [it] to work!
Don't most women approach men with mistrust?
I, myself, step very lightly until I find (what I believe is) the man's true motive for wanting to know me. Even after I know him a while I am very watchful and listen for those words and actions that tell me he is other then what he appears to be.
The same, I should think, should apply to men approaching women. Never assume that a woman's motives are what you want them to be until they prove themselves to you.
I think we would all do ourselves a favor by identifying what we are truly looking for and remaining alert (and honest with ourselves) for those red flags when it just don't seem to add up right!
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