Email: Two kinds of logic [CH]
There are different kinds of people: those who seek truth (integrity), those who seek experience (pleasure), those who seek connection (intimacy), those who seek influence (power). So some people get a rush out of drama in a relationship, for their own reasons--the emotional experience, or it's the only way they know to sustain a(n admittedly dysfunctional) relationship they don't want to lose. Anyway most humans are not that logical; we are more emotional than logical beings--and there is intellectual logic as well as emotional logic!
The truth (integrity) seeker is the higher form of seeker. All others could be classified as agenda seekers, and the highest form of agenda seeker would be the power seeker. Everyone must have pieces of agenda seeker within them to cohabitate in the world, but it is the truth seeker that keeps everything in prospective.
Drama, in a relationship, equates to an agenda seeker trying to gain ultimate power over another. Through usage of the lower forms of agenda seeking, the power they seek, if obtained, provides the control they need that feeds them internally. Provides false emotional security to an insecure soul, one might say.
It is agreed that most humans are not logical. Most humans are incapable of putting things in logical prospective at any given level. But this is because most humans are agenda seekers. They have their internal emotional needs to be filled and will create the situation to meet that need.
Yes, there is emotional logic as well as intellectual logic. But emotional logic is based on three set, very logical rules. The truth seeker, can identify, classify, and rectify any illogical emotional logic simply by remaining conscious of the fact of any given situation. Provided they are a person of integrity rather then one seeking power.
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