Friday, October 20, 2006

Politics: Rev. Mercieca, what the f---?

I'm sorry but there is no other way to describe Father Anthony Mercieca, yesterday implicated as the Catholic priest who sexually abused former Rep. Mark Foley as a boy, except as a self-deluded fuckup. Press reports of his account show he is in denial and still clueless about several key rules about being a good and holy human being:

Never sexually touch or abuse a child, ever.
Never get naked with and sexually abuse or touch a child, ever.
Especially if you are an ordained minister of God, never get naked with and sexually abuse or touch a child, ever.
Especially if you are an ordained minister of God and claim to be on friendly terms with a child's family, never get naked with and sexually abuse or touch a child, ever.
Never claim that the child so abused must have taken your actions "the wrong way."
Never be surprised or puzzled that the child so abused grows up to be a lifelong homosexual, an alcoholic, or a child abuser himself.

It is bad enough that Rev. Mercieca was a fatally flawed and self-destructive human being. It was even worse that he visited his flaws, and greater sins, upon one or more impressionable youths, so ruining additional lives and those of their loved ones, like so many dominoes.

Rev. Mercieca should be locked away for the rest of his life -- a verdict that in fact should have been rendered some 45 years ago.


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