Press: Republicans rejecting Iraq policy - AP
(Associated Press) "Bush has stopped saying he is staying the course because that suggested he was locked into a losing policy. Now Bush asserts that he is constantly switching tactics. [...]
Mindful of the political ramifications, the White House sought on Monday to tamp down the growing GOP criticism by portraying the president as engaged — and flexible."
(To me it's galling how, for years at a stretch, the Bush administration has clung to the stonewalling tactic, largely saying: "We have a plan, it's a secret plan, it's a masterful plan, we have the answers, you can trust us, don't ask questions about it, don't hold us accountable, anything we do is lawful (even if the law says otherwise) because we say it is lawful, we are not lying (even when our words and testimony contradict each other), we are right and the rest of the nation and the world is wrong, we (and those who follow us unquestioningly) are the only true and faithful Americans and everyone else is a terrorist sympathizer." Yet whether it takes one or two or four or more years, the faith-based Bushites ultimately find they have to face reality (esp. of the political kind if nothing else) and admit to what their detractors have said all along -- though of course twisting their words to make it sound as if the current change in plan is no change at all but a part of the plan all along. Stonewalling and denial -- not the ingredients for moral leadership in my book.)
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