Thursday, November 09, 2006

Email: Seeking work [KK]

I see job seeking in four (full-time) categories: permanent, contract (optionally to hire), temporary (optionally to hire), and freelance or telecommuting. It's natural to apply directly to any permanent openings you can, but working through a contract firm [can] expand the base of available openings. (Contract firms are common among IT professionals, temp firms among administrative professionals.) It's a robust economy now, even if the decision process takes much longer than in prior decades. If you're not getting a response to one out of ten applications, something is wrong with the fit or the resume. It's not about the skills but how you fit with the team (interpersonally) and the corporation (culturally). Last but not least, the process usually seems geared to exclude applicants; breaking the rules and doing what [works is the way to] success.


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