Sunday, November 19, 2006

Weather: Warmer than a cooler

I usually figure that 44 degrees and colder is "cold" because that's the temperature they set for grocery cooler sections -- and if you've ever stood in one, stocking the shelves, your fingers get cold and then numb. (I've also cleaned buckets of smelt in 50-degree water outdoors, much to the same effect.) So this morning as I walked Molley to a temp in the mid- to upper-40s, I was wearing my usual jeans jams and flip-flops. I waved to a woman on the sidewalk who would pass near us.

Woman: "Aren't your feet cold?"
Self (shrug): "Nah." (pause) "It's cold for Texas."
Woman: "Where are you from?"
Self: "Minnesota."
Woman (laugh): "Ah, then this is just a cool breeze!"
Self: "Yeah."

No frost, though. Pooh. Then we went back in.


At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's cold for Georgia too - BRRRRRRRR!

We'll be lucky to get out of the 40s in south GA today.

BTW, RevGalBlogPals is "delurking" this week and you have been tagged :) by moi. Go tag someone by commenting on their blog! (o)


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