Internet: Andy Rooney and women over 40
For the umpteenth time, Andy Rooney did not write that sensitive essay on women over 40.
If I limited my circle of friends to those who took my advice and verified every sentimental or pseudofactual missive on before redistributing it via email, I would have a much smaller circle of friends. I've received some of these snippets one or two dozen times or more over the past two dozen years.
Among the many hundreds of these rumored screeds that I have received in my nearly 2.5 decades on the Internet as a technology journalist, from antivirus and personal safety warnings to wisdom ascribed to one celebrity or another, only one has ever been true.
I am a huge snopes fan myself. Yes, I would love it folks would do a quick snopes search before hitting "forward". Another bad one is the Ben Stein one about Christmas. Sigh.
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