Press: Cut and run, the only brave thing to do
Cut and Run, the Only Brave Thing to Do - by Michael Moore: "Tomorrow [Nov. 28] marks the day that we will have been in Iraq longer than we were in all of World War II.
That's right. We were able to defeat all of Nazi Germany, Mussolini, and the entire Japanese empire in LESS time than it's taken the world's only superpower to secure the road from the airport to downtown Baghdad.
And we haven't even done THAT. After 1,347 days, in the same time it took us to took us to sweep across North Africa, storm the beaches of Italy, conquer the South Pacific, and liberate all of Western Europe, we cannot, after over 3 and 1/2 years, even take over a single highway and protect ourselves from a homemade device of two tin cans placed in a pothole. [...]
It is a lost war, lost because it never had a right to be won, lost because it was started by men who have never been to war, men who hide behind others sent to fight and die."
(I don't care if you get apopletic over Moore or disagree with this editorial, but read his points about how the French aided America in its Revolution, they are cogent.)
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