Wednesday, July 11, 2007

News: Farewell, Doug Marlette

"Born in Greensboro, Marlette began drawing political cartoons for The Charlotte Observer in 1972.

He won the Pulitzer in 1988 for his editorial cartooning in both Charlotte and at the Atlanta Constitution, which he had joined the year before.

He said at the time that his biting approach could be traced in part to 'a grandmother bayoneted by a guardsman during a mill strike in the Carolinas. There are some rebellious genes floating around in me.'"

(With Jeff Macnelly, Doug was one of my three favorite editorial cartoonists of all time. He is the creator of the Kudzu cartoon strip and will be greatly missed. Let's hope that God's own (Rev.) Will B. Dunn gives him a suitable eulogy -- that is, none too serious and probably embarrassing as hell.)


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