Technology: Netgear technical support, yippee
After a dozen tech-support calls and dozens of hours spent over the past several weeks doing battle with lingering wireless network failures, I just got off the line with a (Bollyboy) Netgear tech who finally told me the software CD-ROM that came with the product contains the wrong version: 3.2 is for Windows Vista only. Of course the CD has no labeling to that effect and the box cites (in 6-point type) system requirements of "Windows Vista, XP, 2000, NT, 98" with a tiny sticker that says "supports Vista."
Suggested solution: Download version 2.0 from the Web site and roll back to that. Preferred solution: Tell me so three weeks ago, or failing that, as soon as possible during any of the dozen calls where technicians knew full well that my operating system was Windows XP.
I think it’s terrible that a company is allowed to operate with poor service and even worse to operate with poor customer and/or technical service. I don’t care if they are based in some remote country or right here in the USA. Their company should not be able to continue if they cannot meet some simple needs of their clients! How hard is it to run a flow chart and maintain that flow chart of communication with a client? The Better Business Bureau used to be on top of companies like this, but in my opinion, they are way behind the times with what is out there. Perhaps there needs to be a new type of BBB or a revamping of the existing one. Perhaps there is already something out there, if so, I have not heard of it. With the Internet and the world of business growing smaller, it’s not just America anymore. A big collective foot should be put down and insist on ALL business be run with integrity!
I'm with you on these points, but here is the sad truth: Integrity is not profitable (hence it doesn't figure on the balance sheet) and tech support is a low-end, entry-level (and burnout) position. Effective support became an endangered species even before these jobs were outsourced to India; I wrote about it in the late 1990s, in the wake of the true entrepreneurial phase of the industry, before Microsoft took over up to 97% of every product category across the board.
Update on the problem: Netgear was wrong about my having the wrong version; the software gives two different numbers in two different places but the install CD says it detects the operating system then installs the same version as a download-and-install of 2.0. Meanwhile it is looking like Windows XP is corrupt and needs to be reinstalled.
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