Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Nostalgia: You've got your blue herons...

We have blue herons in Houston; I see them now and then picking their way along Hunter's Creek, which runs past my home. Noble birds, but not as big or majestic as the Great Blue Heron of the Northland; they're So-So Herons. (Sorry, Charlie.) They're a joy to have so close though, and in the city to boot.

When I was a boy, I woke up about 6 am at the family lakeplace to find the entire lake swathed in a billowy pillow of fog. I took the rowboat out alone, taking in the shrouded watery wonderland. Suddenly a Great Blue wafted silently through the fog, passing just off my starboard and disappearing into the fog again. I'll never forget that moment. Such is the stuff that can turn a boy into a poet--or empower one who already is.


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