Email: The examined life [SD]
Healthy emotional development usually depends on adequate socialization, but I think on building a sound inner construct foremost. We need to be sensitive and responsive to how others feel, but also stand by our own feelings, beliefs and integrity. (Peer pressure led everyone but me in a group of 40 men back in St. Paul to smoke cigars at social events, but I politely refused due to my principles.) I don't know how people make it in life without one or more close friends or confidantes. Finding your happiness and finding good friends should be among your highest personal priorities. I couldn't live much less survive without that kind of foundation to stand on. If you stay at home all the time -- though I know you are also involved with a good church... Well it is hard to say... Basically, everyone needs to tend to their basic needs as well as to grow... I would say don't neglect your personal and home life, but you need friends and to get out too...
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