Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Email: A mix of things [JB]

I think any age I am is a good age.

I love [my work], or I wouldn't be doing it. It pays better than [teaching] and it uses my gifts. I just wish the economy were more settled. I used to appreciate uncertainty and the need for flexibility, but now stability and permanence are sounding better.

My passions in life are languages, communications (mass and interpersonal) and publishing (print and electronic), relationships, faith and spirituality, children, and music.

Yes, I am seeking [marriage]. I don't see myself at 80 having a "live-in girlfriend" and just because I had a bad meal doesn't mean I fear dining out (to stretch a bad metaphor).

Exercise is good! Though after tending my 25x25-foot garden in West St. Paul, I'm not sure that garden work is exercise, just work; it's not as aerobic as cycling or swimming anyway.

I would think there are more women than men on a religious [online personals] site (esp. one where probably all women believe in "waiting till marriage").


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