Email: Using God [MG]
Critics are not necessarily bad for an organization or interest, whether it's a corporation or an administration or a religion. Saying things intended to correct injustice is never wrong -- but only if those things are (a) true and (b) constructive. (For example, Bush's critics encourage having an "exit plan" for Iraq, which is not the same as an "exit timetable.") The only trouble is when those under fair and legal scrutiny refuse to allow discussion, to consider constructive criticism or even to recognize the truth because of ideology or emotion.
I am seriously concerned about the intellectual faculties and good sense of well-meaning "true believers" who lobby for clemency towards convicted murderers and robber barons when they claim to have "met the Lord" -- but the Christian God, not the Jewish or Muslim God! I could go on. God's truth is not circumstantial, nor does it apply differently from believers to non-believers. And as always throughout history, it is manipulative and wrong to try to use faith in God (real or feigned) as a "get out free" card.
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