Sunday, July 10, 2005

Email: Who am I? [Ka]

I like to make friends and co-workers laugh but I'm primarily the intellectual type with intuition and common sense that becomes evident over time. (I favor dry humor over telegraphing my jokes, but I make everyman japes like "Does worker's compensation cover us if our butts fall off?" But see, I may be the only person you know to use the word "jape" in an email much less a conversation.) I like to paint things in broad clear colors in order to pin down where the room is standing. I am primarily an introvert -- I charge my batteries alone -- and a contemplative. However I love the mind play and word play of interacting with others. Whimsy and playfulness are a big part of me.

Sometimes I'm told I'm sharing "too much information" but it is as much as I am willing and able to share and receive, so the problem lies not with me but with others who cannot absorb or share that much of themselves. I am also told sometimes that I "think too much"! I finally realized that I think just the right amount for me; if someone else [finds] it hurts their brain to marshal an accounting of their opinion on a movie, for instance, well that is their issue. I know how to be me; I do not dare to tell others how to be themselves.


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