Email: Initiative and reciprocity [KF]
[No decent man is] interested in anything one-sided either. It does amuse me though (if that is the best word I can put on it) who in a developing relationship considers who to be one-sided. I'd say over the years that I have probably written any woman I have met twice as often and twice as long as she has written me, and called twice as much; yet women always surrender the initiative (including their half of the reciprocity) to the man (even when they say they want a two-sided relationship) and consider me to be the one who is lagging behind them. I suppose the only way to get around that is to be a total lap dog, but you and I both know that isn't realistic for [professional men and women].
So many times, it seems women want to jump into the deep end immediately, wonder why the man is taking the gradual path (as all do), and then get impatient and leave the pool before the man reaches the deep end in the manner he said he would all along.
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