Words: battery [MW]
Main Entry: bat·tery
Pronunciation: 'ba-t(&-)rE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ter·ies
Etymology: Middle French batterie, from Old French, from battre to beat, from Latin battuere
1 a : the act of battering or beating b : an offensive touching or use of force on a person without the person's consent -- compare ASSAULT 2a
2 a : a grouping of artillery pieces for tactical purposes b : the guns of a warship
3 : an artillery unit in the army equivalent to a company
4 a : a combination of apparatus for producing a single electrical effect b : a group of two or more cells connected together to furnish electric current; also : a single cell that furnishes electric current (a flashlight battery)
5 a : a number of similar articles, items, or devices arranged, connected, or used together : SET, SERIES (a battery of tests) b : a usually impressive or imposing group : ARRAY
6 : the position of readiness of a gun for firing
7 : the pitcher and catcher of a baseball team
(Technically, your store-bought AA, AAA, C and D batteries are actually standalone power cells, while your car battery connects a parallel series of internal cells to produce a true battery. Also, Ben Franklin coined the term battery from the word battering, which is what an electric shock felt like, since the chief use of galvanic cells and batteries in pre-industrial days was for entertainment. Query: If zapping became an Olympic, endurance, or extreme sports competition, would its athletes be known as shock jocks?)
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