Monday, December 12, 2005

Email: Two genders, one species [TC]

I think we are both right (since we are not talking about opposing ideas). No one wants a relationship with someone who is not "a person of their word." Everyone wants a person they can "laugh with, talk with and discuss decisions with" (right?). Everyone wants a friend, someone to call and email and spend time with, mutually. (Well, everyone but the "players.")

It does seem true from the women I know that most men are only interested in one thing. Argh!

I realized this morning why it's good that men are usually taller than women: Because otherwise, most men would never maintain eye contact with their partner!

I do apologize for my half of the species. More and more, I realize how exactly opposite men and women approach life and "love." This isn't always bad -- so long as both parties recognize it and can find some middle ground. (Ignorance of this reality and an inability to find some common ground -- that is, selfishness -- is probably the cause of all hurt in relationships.)

I know what it's like to be a single parent and experience "mind warp"!


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