Friday, February 10, 2006

Email: Netflix Support

(One of my peeves, I have learned over the years, is that you always have to ask any tech support question three times before it's finally answered. Here is my third go with Netflix, repeating the same words as clearly as below.)

Thank you however I understand all that.

For the third time: What is the limit of discs in each queue under each plan? (Under 1-out, mine seems to be 500, but friends have 3-out and more than 600 in their queues.)

Specific queue size limits, plan for plan...?


At 9:07 AM, Blogger Dr. Richard Scott Nokes said...

If you've got 500 movies in your cue, it may be time to go with one of the more expensive plans. If you've got the 1-out plan, you're probably looking at an average of one movie per week with mail times. With 52 weeks in a year, that puts you at about a decade worth of movies -- this is all assuming no new movies you want to see come out in the next ten years. By the time you get to the point that you've exhausted this list, DVDs may be an obsolete technology anyway.

At 12:20 AM, Blogger Twerpette said...

I'm aware of the math (and it actually works out to two movies a week), but (a) this is a service I intend to keep for as long as it exists, and (b) I'll adjust it upwards when I have time to watch more movies.


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