Press: iChurch: All We Like Sheep - Leadership Journal
iChurch: All We Like Sheep - "Being fully formed in a consumer worldview, Greg and Margaret intuitively accepted that the personal enrichment and fulfillment of desire is the highest good. As a result, they chose the church that best satisfied their family's preferences without bothering to consult their community, the Bible, or the Holy Spirit to gauge the legitimacy of those desires. After all, in consumerism a desire is never illegitimate, it is only unmet."
(Here is a great article about "church shopping" when it falls prey to impulsive consumerism. Just as universities should meet real academic needs, congregations should meet legitimate spiritual needs, not merely perceived or trendy ones. Similarly, students should choose a school, and congregants a congregation, less for the social aspects than the proven grounding they can gain through attendance and participation. Church is not a smorgasbord, it is a community.)
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