Friday, October 06, 2006

Email: Knight, shining, etc. [CM]

I never mean to be complaining, only thinking out loud. I have no problem with men doing the heavy lifting; I have no problem with chivalry (holding doors, esteeming women). It gets a bit sticky when women also want to be treated as equals (which I am all for too, because women are equal to men -- and in ways better). I'm not sure everyone knows how to accomplish that balancing act -- of living in a modern age with the values we bring forth from the generations before us. And that's OK.


At 6:27 AM, Blogger Carol said...

I think that a woman allowing a man to practice chivalry is allowing him to have an internal emotional response to feel like a man.
Just as a man practicing chivalry is allowing a woman to feel like a woman.
It is not something that is considered a "rule" anymore. It has become more of an understanding between the two.
It is a tremendous complement on both parties.

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I embrace being treated like a lady by a demonstrative show of chivalry (such as door opening and carrying heavy objects) on the part of a man with whom she is romantically involved! I believe it fulfills a deep inner desire by both parties to revel in their own sexual identity.
The being treated equally part, in my opinion, comes into play in the work arena regarding equal pay for equal levels of responsibility.


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