Saturday, November 11, 2006

Email: Politics is not... [EH]

The stress of [election time] conflict comes from people who invest too much in wanting to control others' situations (which is why the Republicans have been shunted out by the people--the people!). The Republicans have been too much about power and not about governing well (much less ethically). Politics is not about power but about taking the temperature of the will of the people. Politics is not about what a party says its values are but what its actions actually are! Anyone can say they are Christian but do they act like Christians? Politicians rarely can do so because power tends to corrupt. And if you listen, the Democrats are not gloating, they are going overboard to be understated and humble. (This will not be what Rush Limbuagh says or thinks, however -- or anyone who listens to him.) I think it's interesting how ideas and attitudes travel virally through a population: Rush Limbaugh's perspective can be poisonous to civil discourse, and I dislike him and any other oafish verbal thug (like Bill O'Reilly) to the core. My antidotes are Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert: They not only have a firm grip on their sense of humor but through satire and irony they are equal-opportunity skewerers of the indignities of either political party!


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