Words: haint [AHED]
(Wow! A word I've never heard of before!)
VERB: Inflected forms: haunt·ed, haunt·ing, haunts
TRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being. 2. To visit often; frequent: haunted the movie theaters. 3. To come to mind continually; obsess: a riddle that haunted me all morning. 4. To be continually present in; pervade: the melancholy that haunts the composer's music.
INTRANSITIVE VERB: To recur or visit often, especially as a ghost.
NOUN: 1. A place much frequented. 2. also hant or ha'nt or haint Chiefly Southern U.S. A ghost or other supernatural being.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English haunten, to frequent, from Old French hanter.
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