Monday, March 05, 2007

Web: Name all 50 states in 10 minutes

It's hard! I almost finished but forgot one state that starts with an I.


At 12:14 AM, Blogger AD said...

It was hard! My score was 44- and that was after singing a song that my best friend taught me when I was younger. The problem was that I only learned half of the after the I's, I was on my own. My biggest challenge was trying to rush and spell them correctly. Thanks, it was fun!

At 12:35 AM, Blogger AD said...

My 12 year old daughter got a big 47! Better than me. Even after I had already done mine...I still couldn't even help her with the ones she had missed! This is a good memory booster...I think I'm going to keep trying until I get all of them!

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did all of them in 4-5 minutes-I guess being able to do that(and in alphabetical order) is one of the perks of teaching children. My competitive teenage niece could probably do it even faster. :-)b


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