Media: TV - Tomes & Talismans
"Tomes & Talismans was a 1986 educational television series produced by Mississippi ETV, consisting of thirteen 20-minute episodes presented as a dramatic serial story. Each episode defines, illustrates, and reviews specific library/research concepts."
(via MG -- read the cool plot summary on Wikipedia, then check YouTube, which is said to host at least 12 of the segments)
Mississippi ETV has many other wonderful productions. There are many very smart and interesting people in this state and its always bothered me at how the national media portrays us. The city of Oxford(location of The University of Mississippi) is worth the trip all by itself. There is a series called Mississippi Roads that was produced sometime in the late eighties or early to mid nineties. Each episode shows a unique and different person,place or thing about Mississippi. Its worth watching if you want know more about this friendly,unusal and often misunderstood state!:-) B
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