Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Press: Alzheimer's risk tied to personality traits - HC

Alzheimer's risk tied to personality traits - Houston Chronicle:

"During the 12 years, 176 people developed Alzheimer's disease. Those with the highest scores for a personality trait called 'conscientiousness' at the start of the study had an 89 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer's compared to people with the lowest scores for that personality trait.

The conscientiousness scores were based on how people rated themselves, on a scale of 0 to 4, on how much they agreed with statements such as: 'I work hard to accomplish my goals,' 'I strive for excellence in everything I do,' 'I keep my belongings clean and neat' and 'I'm pretty good about pacing myself so as to get things done on time.'"


At 4:22 PM, Blogger Carol said...

You know, I think this stands to reason in any disease, malady or for that matter living a healthy life day by day. If a person can truly hold their self-esteem in high regard it goes far in fighting off mental and physical problems. I believe that much of the psychological problems demonstrated and dwelled upon by persons could benefit from a good healthy boost of self worth. Perhaps there might not be such a dependency upon altered states of consciousness, prescribed or other, if all could find a reason to be happy within their own self. It must come from inside though, for no amount of someone else telling them can substitute for their own self talk.

At 6:36 PM, Blogger Twerpette said...

The Web article is shorter than the print version, which had some really clear passages, but my impression of the conclusions was that it's more about intentionality (anti-ADD) than self esteem ("I can be loved") -- although efficacy ("I can contribute") and even entitlement certainly link both.


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