Sunday, May 29, 2005

Email: Self-discovery and fun [SD]

[Buying Windows] XP Pro [for $50 off a website] sounds like a scam to me; they obviously don't have it in stock, which means they are not legit.

The initial releases you are feeling at journaling and writing down your feelings are a good start. You will continue to experience freedom and growth in these areas as you reflect on and "process" your feelings over time. I think a person is still struggling with "issues" so long as he or she feels distracted, preoccupied or is "working through" them. One has "moved on" not when a person decides to stop thinking about an issue (for that is entering into denial) but when it no longer consumes an inordinate amount of attention; the pesky questions have been answered, so the mind and heart can truly move on to other things.

Finding out who you are should not be a tedious task or "one more thing on a to-do list." In time, it should become as natural as breathing. You know when you are in your own skin; same thing. Reading can be work for someone who is not used to reading or thinking things through; you seem to be doing fine. Just realize that you have a lot in your life, and you can't do everything all at once. Let me also just say that it's taken me eight years so far to get from where I was [during my divorce] to where I am today. And it sounds to me like you have as much or further to go than I did.

Everyone tells me that I need some time "for myself" or "for fun"; that is true, all things being normal. However (as I keep saying), they are not; and I don't believe I should curtail my [responsibilities] because "I deserved a day off for some fun and me time."


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