Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Musings: How do you have a discussion...?

How do you have a discussion with someone who has already made up their mind? How do you have a dialog with someone who has already decided you're going to hell? How do you speak of the human as well as the divine with someone who has decided that they speak for God? How do you speak of matters that are more complex than someone is willing to accept or able to understand, much less believe?

How does the scientist speak with the creationist? How does the theologian speak with the fundamentalist? How does the historical or literary criticism professor speak with the evangelical? How does the movie producer speak with the family values demagogue? How does the Democrat speak with the Republican?

Civil discourse means discussing ideas and not taking things personally or combatively. It means listening. It means loving your neighbor -- yes, even if you disagree with him or (admit it) don't like him. The world is not about all becoming cookie-cutter Christians; it is about quietly planting and nurturing God's truth -- which is far higher and deeper than any of us (esp. evangelical Christians) can imagine -- in every nook and cranny of the great garden of life.


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