Saturday, July 16, 2005

Press: Lack of Protective Imagination - Infowarrior

Lack of Protective Imagination - Richard Forno: "In other words, we are demonstrating a lack of protective imagination.

Contrary to America's infatuation with instant gratification, protective imagination is not quickly built, funded, or enacted. It takes years to inculcate such a mindset brought about by outside the box, unconventional, and daring thinking from folks with expertise and years of firsthand knowledge in areas far beyond security or law enforcement and who are encouraged to think freely and have their analyses seriously considered in the halls of Washington.?? Such a radical way of thinking and planning is necessary to deal with an equally radical adversary, yet we remain entrenched in conventional wisdom and responses.

Here at home, for all the money spent in the name of homeland security, we're not acting against the terrorists, we're reacting against them, and doing so in a very conventional, very ineffective manner.? Yet nobody seems to be asking why."

(via Minneapolis-based security expert Bruce Schneier's Crypto-Gram)


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