Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Media: Ads Gone Wild

The Girls Gone Wild commercials have sadly become a cultural icon. They spawn and multiply on late-night cable TV channels like shimmering salmon, but with a moral depravity that still shocks much of America. (Note: I am not so much against commercially available nudity as the par-tay culture that encourages young girls to treat themselves as empty-headed tits-and-ass party favors and, more dangerously, to dance lasciviously in various stages of undress in what amounts to be the most orgy-prone environment imaginable: hotels full of teen boys tanked on alcohol during spring break.) Now the commercials have shamefully begun to appear during prime-time hours on non-cable stations. When will it stop?

America is great for its freedom. Yet freedom should not be an excuse for immorality. The two should not even be in the same boat, or the Islamist fundamentalists win their point: "You see? Freedom leads to immorality. America is corrupt. We are justified to kill them all."

America needs to fight for freedom for its citizens, and to encourage the spread of freedom wherever democracy and human rights will flourish. Yet America should also fight against the spread of public immorality such as Girls Gone Wild. With freedom comes responsibility, and that includes not working to undermine the freedom that many have given their ultimate sacrifice to preserve.

Let me add that the fight should originate in the church pulpit, not the legislature. Morality begins at home. It would sure help if the FCC would get off its butt and do its job though.


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