Friday, September 16, 2005

Email: A man explains men [SS]

JD is cheerful and sweet (you notice that right away) and that always gets men's attention. But she is a wise and spiritual person too.

I'm not the type to be embittered by a bad experience; and besides, every experience is mixed. You don't want someone who blames others instead of facing his own responsibility first; sees things in only black or white instead of grays (because all grays come out looking black, and that includes almost all of life) not to mention colors; or describes himself as or acts like a confirmed bachelor (as so many do).

I think the interest in your availability (if I may say so) is less based in knowing who you are as a unique woman and more in the male ideas of conquering new territory or (to put it crudely) "fresh meat." So many men perk their eyebrows when they hear about a divorced or separated woman; you don't want to go near these guys -- or anyone who knows nothing about you as a person, but is interested in you only because you are biologically a woman [and "fresh on the market"]. (I'll wager he's not interested that you are intellectually, emotionally or spiritually a woman.) Since you say you're holding your cards close, you will probably see through insincerity and make wise choices; but I've spoken with so many women who haven't, that I just want to put the warning out there. Who better to understand and explain the good as well as the bad side of men but a man?

I [think everyone] seek[s] the warmth (emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical) of intimate companionship. It is my sincere hope that everyone can [find it], at some point in their lives.


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