Thursday, September 08, 2005

Email: Weblog perspective [KF]

I am constantly thinking of others and what information or help they might benefit from or appreciate. Despite this, my work and communication load has dropped off significantly from what it used to be in the 1980s and 1990s. (It is a little disappointing that my intellectual interests and involvements have slipped from dozens to handfuls.) I am aware that most people frequently "cut corners" and "look out for number one," even if those would be diametrically opposed to how I have lived most of my life.

I don't want to be involved in [much less encourage] women's emotional weaknesses. I simply want to help any person who's hurting and wants to grow by serving as a sounding board, before they burn out and become embittered from ever finding happiness. Believe me, I try to dialog with every man I can, but it's just not their style.

I feel I am a servant of those who are trying to find the truth. I find I always have creative insights into "what is really going on," which through dialogue, can be applied to help people discover their own answers. Also most people have never found an empathetic voice who can affirm that, yes, such-and-such was in fact an abusive and wrongful experience. I [have a] passion for [helping others discern between] ethical vs. coercive or manipulative communication.

[I feel a] need to help others understand and overcome their trauma, because I am intensely curious about what makes people tick in these ways. We all deserve to be happy; are we to leave those who have stumbled or been tripped to their own diminished resources? Everyone needs help at one time or another; I will not leave others in the mud because it is personally inconvenient to me or I am so self-absorbed that I have no time for others.

My weblog is primarily intended to be an intellectual sharing and exchange, with the benefit of occasional humor. I really believe there is an intelligent approach to faith and relationships that accords with universal truths and bypasses partisanship (and all that that implies). In other words, I truly believe that we all can just get along.


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