Sunday, September 25, 2005

Weather: Après Rita

Like the string of bad relationships that some divorced people fate upon themselves, you can feel the Gulf Coast population starting to feel communally skittish about hurricane season, ready to join Floridians in last year's edgy mantra: "Hurricanes suck!"

I reached AS in Beaumont, and she is fine: No power, but her mobile home is intact (not like the shattered ones I have seen on the news). She sheltered in town, at the center where she has been a volunteer for the Katrina evacuees.

Molley and I grew closer during these days, as I had the chance to give Twerpette's namesake more attention than usual (that is, more than the computer). You could tell she was on edge, and she spent many hours hunkered in my lap with her nose buried under my arm. Speaking with the many people who met her, or asked me about her over the past week, reminded me of how small and close to the ground a dachsie is. As a result, even though I'm a softie in general, I am even more tender with her now. She is still my Pretty Girl, and Princess.

I just assumed we would lose power, but my hosts not only kept power but had a DSL connection, so if I had brought my wireless router, I could have blogged to my heart's content from the comfort of the living room. Another item for the expectation management list.

As a local sci-fi group organizer wrote yesterday morning: "I was looking forward to an exciting evening with Rita. And I couldn't even get a wet kiss!" I know how JM feels. On the other hand, we are all happy not to have met this hurricane up close and personal -- because a hurricane up close, always makes it personal.


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