Saturday, September 24, 2005

Words: hunker [MW]

Main Entry: hun·ker
Pronunciation: 'h&[ng]-k&r
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): hun·kered; hun·ker·ing /-k(&-)ri[ng]/
Etymology: perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse huka to squat; akin to Middle Low German hOken to squat, peddle -- more at HAWKER
1 : CROUCH, SQUAT -- usually used with down
2 : to settle in or dig in for a sustained period -- used with down

(I suspected "hunker" was a conflation of "huddle" and "bunker," but no: It has more to do with being a squatter to claim property or a hawker of goods from a blanket or booth at market.)


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