Friday, October 14, 2005

Email: Wolves and vixens [CD]

I think everyone who is worth his or her salt wants to weed out calculating, non-romantic candidates. You could read a book like Never Be Lied To Again, but the best way is just to "pay attention to what is really going on" and develop your intuition through experience and insight. There are no guarantees -- but I think trying to choose ever more wisely is better than making the same mistakes over and over, don't you? Wolves and vixens being attracted to self-abnegating, romantic persons (like flies to honey) seems to be the best explanation for "when bad people happen to good people" -- and I've seen specific examples of it in action. Snakes in the grass are to blame, not the nature hikers who get bitten.

The odd thing is, women always say they want the sensitive, romantic type -- but I've seen them again and again choose the exact opposite. I fear that the mass of emotionally unavailable men have trained women to expect just that; whereas my approach to life and romance is not to accept what is before my eyes, but to wait and work for what my heart knows is right.


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