Friday, June 15, 2007

Email: No joke [EH]

Don't worry about all those men who think they are personally worthy of Julia Roberts or Pamela Anderson. [(Smokers, blech.)] To a shallow person, only a Barbie is attractive (because he's incapable of looking inside himself or another human being)! You don't want one of those schlubs (ditwads) anyway. I suggest you learn defenses to keep the jerks from getting that close to you. (Ask more questions than you get asked, take the initiative instead of surrendering it, and insult anyone who dares to insult you -- just do so more cleverly.) This is why I say that meeting people the normal way is healthier than online, esp. with so many Neanderthals now populating online dating sites. They've become a red light district, fallen away from their potential for good, in the hands of truthful and sincere human beings.


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