Thursday, August 11, 2005

Politics: Ken Mehlman on CNN

I caught RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman sitting for his first time with Wolf Blitzer on CNN. He was good. Same old they're-all-bad-but-we're-all-good message that is never true when members of either political side try it, but very smooth.

He even said "We welcome the debate" over John Edwards. And that's all I really wanted to hear from the RNC chairman -- some admission of humanity and cooperation, esp. after all the Bush administration's dissimulations, stonewalling and refusal to admit any mistake, error or weakness, and after all the mouthy Republicans who for years now have made patriotic public debate tantamount to being a commie pinko fag.

I don't want us to return to the isolationism of the early 1940s or the McCarthyism of the 1950s, the last time the Republicans tried to bury America's head in the sand. (It was the Democrats who fought and ended World War II.)


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