Weblogs: Why no news?
Episcopal Princess: Why No News?: "Okay, so here is my question. Why wasn't the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) covered by Episcopal News Source? I have only found one mention of it at all and it was during a 'Weeks Ahead' update. Other than that there was no coverage at all. Why is this? This was a gathering of 1,300 Episcopalians from around the world, a gathering of youth. that only happens once every 3 years and there was no mention. Is it not considered important enough? And if it is not is it because it was a gathering of young people? This church gives great lip service to young people but does it really live out that lip service? Do we walk the walk or just talk the talk? You might be able to tell that I am just a little bit irritated by this and I am."
(In general, I think all mainstream denominations give very little attention to "youth" and "singles" -- while probably giving more than twice as much attention than both combined to all prior ages -- that is, pre-junior-high. The evangelicals beat us on this but only because they "go nuts" in every direction possible! However, I'd advise waiting a bit longer than the same week for coverage. In fact, what's to keep you from suggesting coverage? Reporters can interview attendees quite easily.)
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