Email: Giving them L [EH]
I have to be careful when I type too. (This morning seems to be especially full of typos.) One word I have to be very careful with is "public" (as in "public relations representative"). If I omit the small L, you see...!
Twerpette (named for my dachshund Molley, the original twerpette or "goofy girl") seeks to tweak the long nose of life with humor, affection, and gravitas. Topics include dating and relationships, faith and spirituality, language and writing, journalism, technology, arts, academe, whimsy and humanity. Cheeky and tweaky, Twerpette is rated PG13 for mature language and themes. This weblog began May 10, 2005. Copyright 2005-2016 Steve Deyo.
I have to be careful when I type too. (This morning seems to be especially full of typos.) One word I have to be very careful with is "public" (as in "public relations representative"). If I omit the small L, you see...!
Good question! I have no idea [how you would kiss your guy "under the mistletoe on the Internet"] (unless a videocamera is involved)!
Isn't great when your birthday child gets into the cake so much that you have to just hose him down?! Yes, God does make us with an incredible variety of personalities. I wish the fundamentalists would learn that about children and remember that about adults.
Some men probably figure that mistletoe is a waste of time when you have liquor (or, in prior days, a club)!
A verb form of abstemious [MW]:
"Q. Oh, English-language gurus, is it ever proper to put a question mark and an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence in formal writing? This author is giving me a fit with some of her overkill emphases, and now there is this sentence that has both marks at the end. My everlasting gratitude for letting me know what I should tell this person.
"Jesus is a teacher of contemplation. If you study his teaching on prayer in the Sermon on the Mount, for example, in Matthew 6, he is not talking about external forms or rituals or particular beliefs you have to subscribe to.
(Houston Chronicle) "The truth is being stolen right before our eyes. Yet there are no mass demonstrations at the executive mansion. There are not a million headlines saying, "Wait Just A Bleeping Minute!"