Books: Fairy Tales in Latin: Fabulae Mirabiles
Twerpette (named for my dachshund Molley, the original twerpette or "goofy girl") seeks to tweak the long nose of life with humor, affection, and gravitas. Topics include dating and relationships, faith and spirituality, language and writing, journalism, technology, arts, academe, whimsy and humanity. Cheeky and tweaky, Twerpette is rated PG13 for mature language and themes. This weblog began May 10, 2005. Copyright 2005-2016 Steve Deyo.
Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Latin Edition)
If you have spam filters on, then pretty much any bulk mail you get that is sent from an address you don't have in your address book, will go into the spam filters. I check my spam folder daily because after I start a new mailing list, I set its domain name (if unique) on my safe list so it will go into my normal inbox from then on. Or if a friend uses a new address, I add it to my address book for the same result.
(There is little new here; the Catholic Church has for 40 years preached against not the "truth of the Bible" but the overliteral, fundamentalist equating of spiritual and historical truth.)
I think everyone who is worth his or her salt wants to weed out calculating, non-romantic candidates. You could read a book like Never Be Lied To Again, but the best way is just to "pay attention to what is really going on" and develop your intuition through experience and insight. There are no guarantees -- but I think trying to choose ever more wisely is better than making the same mistakes over and over, don't you? Wolves and vixens being attracted to self-abnegating, romantic persons (like flies to honey) seems to be the best explanation for "when bad people happen to good people" -- and I've seen specific examples of it in action. Snakes in the grass are to blame, not the nature hikers who get bitten.
You're right to trust your own judgment (on sufficient evidence), not the self-reported opinions of a person who clearly has socialization issues. Older men, particularly ones who have not long lived alone, do tend to be cranky old farts, don't they?
Birthday Alarm is a good idea but like every electronic solution, they get greedy and try to opt-in everyone by default (because advertising pays by head or by view) instead of trusting people to do what they want to do. I applaud you for trying to get organized though. I just keep all birthdays in my email address book and manually look up addresses by specific person, date or month in order to send out birthday e-cards (or store-bought cards for family and those closest to me).
Tablature and lyrics - Feuilles-Oh / Do Space Men Pass Dead Souls On Their Way To The Moon? (J.S. Bach/Linda Grossman): "As appears on the Art Garfunkel website:
The Highly Sensitive Person in Love - Dr. Elaine Aron: "The single largest reason for this genetic effect is not a 'divorce gene,' I'm certain. (To say something is genetically determined doesn't clarify much--wearing skirts or owning a rifle is almost totally 'genetically determined,' thanks to the genes for gender plus a lot of cultural moderators.) Genetics enter into marriage because of the way that certain inherited temperaments cause trouble in relationships. They cause trouble only because most of us are totally ignorant about the reality of the drastic differences that can exist among nervous systems. But with the right guidance, the many 'mismatches' in this world can have the most fulfilling relationships of all.
"This means that regular sensory information is processed and analyzed to a greater extent, which contributes to creativity, intuition, sensing implications and attention to detail, but which may also cause quicker overstimulation and overarousal."
Your brain: 80% interpersonal, 60% visual, 200% verbal, and 60% mathematical!
If you're looking for pirate-themed music, Real Music has 117 songs with Pirate in the title. Use Search to find anything you want there (or iTunes or any other MP3 music store).
Riders of the London Underground (subway) are constantly reminded to "Mind the gap" -- or to translate from British English, mind (pay attention to) the (the) gap (passage between cars). In other words: Beware the chasm. Watch the feet. Mind the gap. Books: In Praise of Slowness : How A Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed: "A former 'speedaholic,' an award-winning Canadian journalist advocates living a slower, more measured existence, in virtually every area, a philosophy he defines as 'balance.' Honore's personal wake-up call came when he began reading one-minute bedtime stories to his two-year-old son in order to save time. The absurdity of this practice dramatized how he, like most of the world, was caught up in a speed culture that probably began with the Industrial Revolution, was spurred by urbanization and increased dramatically with 20th-century advances in technology." (Publisher's Weekly)
Thanksgiving and other holidays can suck when alone, but I do better than most, it seems, at maintaining a mental and emotional connection with others even when far away. Being stuck in Houston [sometimes], I prefer to cook my own than to be the guest of a church family who opens their home to all the lonely, non-culinary-skilled singles who have no family in reach. I prefer to host than to be hosted.
Vacations do wonders for us, and we only forget because we're "too busy" to take one!
(see the full lyrics and significance at [minstrels] The Weight -- Jaime 'Robbie' Robertson)
Main Entry: suss
(Look at me! I'm quoting Ann Coulter on Twerpette! Thanks for the pointer, MG. I've been formulating my opinion against the Harriet Miers nomination for the Supreme Court since the morning of its announcement, and I jotted down a skeleton draft on Thursday, but Ann's expert Bush bashing in her October 5 column below coincides with two of my points: Miers is in no way qualified, and America gets to make the decision, not Bush.)